Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wishing on a star!

We are hoping for some good news this week. Ken has applied at a really great company that had actually contacted him! They said they like his work and would like him to apply. We're not sure if it will happen or not, but we are being optimistic. Kennedy has started swimming lessons and she is loving it! Our neighbors little boy is in the same class with her. I have to bribe them to get any pictures though because he has boy germs and she has girl germs. They are learning early I guess. Averie just got over Roseola which is nothing serious, but she gave me and her doctor a good scare. She had a fever with no other symptoms for four days and although I thought it was teething she had never been THAT fussy for teething all day long. So I took her in and after hours of testing and poking and crying they thought it was either Mono, Roseola, or Meningitis. Luckily it was only Roseola! She is crawling all over the place, but had little interest in pulling up or walking. Her doctor says she will probably be a little bit delayed in her large motor skills, but mostly because she is unsure of what she is capable of doing. She is such a sweetie though and everyone always tells me she looks like a little doll. She's the happiest baby you could ever meet. I'm looking forward to this week and what it has to bring. I hope we get some good news, but if not I know there's a reason for it. =)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

RIP Punkin

I can't believe I forgot to update about our precious cat Punkin. A little backround on her:

My Stepdad was painting a house and this adorable calico cat was sleeping in the back of his truck every day. The lady that owned the house had told him she was a stray along with all the other cats that she was feeding. So he brought her home on Halloween 1998 and gave her to me. She was the prettiest Calico you could have ever seen, but with her cuteness came some attitude. She would scratch at the bottom of the door every morning when she wanted you to feed her. If you let her in your room she would knock over anything and everything just to get you up. She was such a pain in the ass sometimes! She was also the friendliest cat and would be annoying when people came over. She always wanted to be petted and held. Punkin was Kennedy's best friend. I don't know that Punkin felt the same way, but she tolerated Kennedy. A year after Kennedy was born she started to have UTI's on a regular basis and this had continued for the next two years. This last fall she had started to get an infection in her cyst and the only option was surgery which would have costed 500 dollars. Her infection had clear up and heal before we could do surgery, but we couldn't afford the surgery. Her infection never cleared all the way up and it never healed either. She was miserable and in pain. She would try to walk, but only make a few steps before she would fall down again. All she wanted to do was lay by the fireplace. I remember looking into her eyes and I just knew she was ready to die. She just wasn't there anymore...she looked empty. We had decided to put her to sleep on October 30th 2008. One day before her 10th anniversary of living with me. We decided to burry her at my parents house since I've always felt like that is where she really belonged. Although, I will forever miss her, I will NOT miss her pooping on the floor. =)
I guess I should update this thing since it's been forever. Averie is now 8 months old and she's growing like crazy. She can sit up finally, but still isn't crawling. I don't expect that to happen for awhile though, because she's such a lazy girl. She is in love with her sister and will not eat if her sister is in the room. The two of them together is the cutest thing though. They are starting to interact more and they will sit on the floor and play together. Kennedy is always trying to talk to her and ask her if she wants to sit on her lap. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to go crazy because Kennedy is ALWAYS trying to pick her up. No matter how many times we tell her not to she still does it. I guess that's part of being a parent of a three year old with selective hearing.

Kennedy has recently started to write and draw much better. Her drawings actually look like what she is trying to draw and some of them are quite impressive for her age. She drew a goose a few weeks ago after watching aristocats and it really looked like a goose. Her teachers say she can write most of her name...which I knew, but they also said she is one of the few kids in her class that actually tries to write her name. We are very proud of our little stinker. Although, I think she could work on her social skills. Apparently a little girl in her class pushed her and my sweet little redhead decided that she would inform me to tell her mother that she can't come to school anymore. I of course didn't tell her Mom that, but I told Kennedy to tell the little girl that it makes her sad when she does that. She seemed to take that well. Kennedy has also started ballet, tap, and tumbling classes. She lights up when she is dancing and it's quite possibly the cutest thing ever. In fact she infomed me after her first class that I can go watch her and she will show me how to dance. This is a good thing!

Ken and I have been busy with life. He's still going to school and getting straight A's and he's working at his job full time. In addition to this he is doing webdesign for a few people for some extra money. The schools here are in a budget crisis and many schools are possibly going to be shutting down early this year because they can't afford to keep them running. I rarely get calls anymore because most of the schools that I worked for are in the Reynolds district. Apparently they are going to be filing bankruptcy. I'm sad to see this happen and the people who really are going to pay for this is our children. I'm hoping they get things figured out so that this is not the case. I've also started going back to the gym and have been working out with Julie a lot. I'm hoping to get to my goal weight of 130 by the end of the year. I know it's going to happen this year because I'm more determined than ever to get back in shape. If I can just stay healthy and keep the girls healthy. Speaking of which We have all been really sick except of course Ken. He's got a super immune system and he eats like crap, drinks crap, doesn't take his vitamins, and is just all around not taking care of himself. Somehow he escapes getting sick every single time we do. All I can say is I wish I had his immune system. He's another one of those people with selective hearing. I've been trying to get him to the doctor to have a mole looked at and he never does make an appointment. I have officially given up on nagging him. He's a big boy and should be able to do it on his own.

I have also read this book that gave some insight on my husband. Although, I admit I had quite a few shocks after reading it I feel empowered to understand him a little better. The book is called for women only (what you need to know about the inner lives of men) written by Shaunti Feldhahn. There was also a book for men to read that is by the authors husband. As soon as our friend is done with it I am handing it over to Ken so he can understand me better. Anyways, I'm out of room here. Hopefully I will blog more often now that facebook has improved.