Thursday, October 25, 2007

8 week apt!

So we had our first apt today! The baby is measuring right on target and it took two and a half hours to hear that. Ok I'm kidding! NOT! Seriously, they had asked me to come in an hour early and I show up and I have to wait past my original time! I was not a happy camper and neither was Kennedy, but we made the best of it. We saw the baby on the ultrasound and he/she was moving it's arms around like a "mover and shaker" according to the technician that is. She said this one was a wiggle worm. So we are preparing for another active baby! =) Kennedy was repeating herself over and over again and she said "mommy's having a baby?". It was like she was expecting it to be today. Although, my brother and his wife ARE being induced tonight! Maybe she was just confused. Anyhoo that's about it for now. We go back in after Thanksgiving to see the little turkey on the ultrasound again. Woohoo!

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