Tuesday, August 28, 2007

fo shizzle

Today I went to the dentist to get my tooth fixed. The other day my tooth had chipped (actually it was a few weeks ago) and it's been starting to bug me. Not a lot, but every now and then when I'm eatin or just pushing on it it hurts. I know don't push on it right? Well, I was worried it might be getting infected so I figured I should go and get it checked. They made me do those stupid exray things where they jam a disc type thing in your mouth that's three times too big. I ended up only being there for mayb 30 minutes, but it seemed pretty quick. After I got back home I saw Kennedy, Maddox, Tavaris, and Nicholos playing in Kennedy's room and my cousin Tessa was trying to get the kids out. They were screeching in her new tape player/microphone Elijah gave her. I hate that stupid toy because it always makes that loud microphone is too close to the stereo sound. Anyways, they were having fun and Tessa was....well, probably not. Maddox ran out of the room screaming "that hurts". Eventually we took it away and I told myself I was going to give it back to Elijiah.
We went and checked out the apts my cousin is going to move into. She and her husband are going to be managers at this place. They are hoping to get caught up so that they are able to move out within a year. I seriously felt really bad for them because even though they don't have to pay rent, they do have to pay other bills and the apt is so tiny. A few hints of what is to come was left in the cupboards. Roach killer, a snake to declogg sinks, and a nasty plunger. The closet doors are so flimsy my cousins one year old almost took it off by pulling with one arm. It has baseboard heating and with two little ones that is going to suck. There's NO dishwasher...and again with two little ones that is going to SUCK! They have to pay 100 anytime they want to wash clothes. The only good points about it is their kitchen is a little bigger than their old kitchen and there's a really cool park within walking distance. I really hope they get rich fast so they don't have to stay there long. I know with one kid it wouldn't be easy. She's going to be watching Kennedy this school year if my mom gets a job too so I hope the three kids in that small house isn't too much.

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