Monday, July 28, 2008

This is a once every six months post!

Wow have I been slacking on my postings! Somebody should update this thing for me. Anyways, Averie was born on May 23rd, and she's a very good baby. I could have ten kids if they were all like her. Lucky for Ken our first was very hard as a baby, so we don't have to worry about that now do we? Kennedy loves being a big sister and is always helping me. She even helps me get everything ready when we're leaving. She'll run and get her blanket, a bottle out of the fridge, and clothes or whatever else she can get ahold of. She's really become quite the kid! Kennedy is also pretty much potty trained now. Thank God! That was my least favorite thing to do. Especially when they're regressing because they will pee on the floor just because they are mad about something. It's not fun! We also had Kennedy go with her Grandma Ellen to church for the first time. The last time she went she was a year and a half old. She loved Sunday school and now we are inspired to start going too. What else do we have to do on a Sunday? We have been telling Kennedy that when she uses the potty she gets to go to school. Well, I think she thinks Sunday school is it. She woke up today telling me to get dressed because she has to go to school. When I told her that we couldn't go to sunday school today she informed me that we needed to go to Uncle Sid's house, and when that didn't work it turned into Grandma's house. She's quite the trickster too!

We also celebrated our friends graduation today. He's a firefighter now and graduated at the top of his class. He has worked extremely hard to get to where he is and obviously is going to make an excellent firefighter. We're very proud of him. He read his speech to all of his friends and family and one thing that he said really stuck out to me. Anyone who's been through school knows how hard it can be and knows that the hardest part is trying to stick with it when you so badly feel like quitting. I've been there and I know Ken has been there. Josh said in his speech "the roots of education are bitter, but it's fruits are sweet" I couldn't agree more with that. Even though my job doesn't pay well, atleast I can say I love what I do. I know someday I will have my own class...even if it's not for five years. I know I'm also helping kids build the roots of their tree. There is nothing more amazing than knowing you are helping a childs future be brighter.

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