Wednesday, September 5, 2007

crazy momma

Kennedy is driving me nuts! She's as cute as they get, but the girl is too darn smart! She has once again gotten into my makeup, only this time actually tried to put mascara on. She had a nice black smear across her eyelid. She also decided to try some face lotion (which by the way costs 15 bucks) for a tiny tube. It was all over the sink, counter, floor, clothes, and of course her body. It was dripping from her arms onto the floor. Now I was in her room trying to organize her bookshelf and I heard the soudn of a empty lotion bottle being squeezed. I knew right away the little stinker had surprised me again. I think it's time to lock up the makeup. She even knows how to open the doors with a safety doorknob thing on it. The four year old I babysit can't even open those! On top of that she has been throwing fits when she doesn't get her way with everything! She wants me to sit on the left side of the chair and she wants to turn the light off. Okay, that's fine! But then she'll pretend like she's going to turn the light off only she stands there with her hand over the light switch and will not do anything. So of course I say ok Mommy will turn the light off and when I do she's pissed beyond belief!

On a cute note, she has learned how to say have it! She says "I want to habit mommy" it's the cutest thing! Any day now she'll be sneaking out of the house to meet up with Elijah next door! I'm sure that will go over well with Daddy! =) Actually forget about Daddy, Mommy is the one she'll run from lol.


Ken said...

I just love our little sweetheart. She's so much fun!

MA said...

Haha, she must have learned how to apply make-up from mommy.